Sculptures & Monuments

A Legacy of Strength and Vision
The Protectors sculpture commemorates the ultimate sacrifice made by Shawnee’s police officers and firefighters.
Featuring a firefighter with an oxygen mask cradling a child and a police officer guiding a young boy, this memorial embodies compassion and bravery.
With shields for both the Shawnee Police and Fire Departments and a plaque listing the fallen, this sculpture is a solemn reminder of their enduring legacy.
Sculptures & Monuments A to J
Sculptures & Monuments K to Z
Sending Love aka Skywalk Memorial Sculpture
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall
Spirits of Commerce and Industry
St. Michael the Archangel: Defender of the Faith
Statue of Liberty – Kansas City
Statue of Liberty – Overland Park
The East and the West – The President and the Empress
The East and the West – The Same Man
The Race is Not Always to the Swift
The Wisdom of the East – Confucianism
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Fountain Partners
KC Bier Co.
Helen S. Boylan Foundation
Mason L. Dean Testamentary Foundation
Estelle S. and Robert A. Long Ellis Foundation
Alex Hamil
Roy Inman
Kansas City, Missouri Parks and Recreation
The Kansas City Royals
Made in Kansas City
Rally House
Seen Merch
Irma Starr
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P.O. Box 8912
Kansas City, MO