Michelangelo as a Youth Carving a Face of a Faun

AKA Michelangelo as a Youth, Michelangelo as a Boy, Michelangelo as a Youth Carving the Head of a Faun, The Boy Michelangelo Carving the Head of a Faun.
A sculpture of a young Michelangelo working on “A Face of a Faun” or “Head of a Faun.” That piece, which has been lost to history, is widely considered to be Michelangelo’s first known work in marble. Michelangelo was 15 or 16 years old when he carved “Head of a Faun” which was a copy of an older work with some alterations. It was this work which earned Michelangelo the patronage of Lorenzo de Medici.
This is a replica of Emilio Zocchi’s “Michelangelo as a Boy” created by Rafaello Romanelli Studios. The original sculpture is on display in the Palazzo Pitti Gallery in Florence, Italy.