One Sun 34 Moons

This reflecting pool on the north plaza of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art was created by the artist Walter DeMaria, working in collaboration with the architect Steven Holl. They created the commissioned, site-specific piece during a 30-month period (April 2001-October 2002). The Northwest corner of the Sun touches the center of the pool and rises from 10 inches at its east and west sides to a height of 17 inches at its center. The sun is surrounded by 34 moons, asymmetrically placed, that are also skylights allowing natural light into the underground parking facility below.
The gold-leaf sun shines during the day, constantly reflecting the actual sunlight and clouds overhead. At night, the moons are illuminated from below. Through these effects, the large-scale artwork takes on the cycles of day and night. Acquired through the generosity of the Hall Family Foundation.
The above picture is used by permission from the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. The photograph was taken by Jamison Miller and the copyright is owned by the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.