Four Fauns Fountain

Nestled into a quaint little courtyard near Nichols Road and Broadway is the Four Fauns Fountain. Accompanied by wooden benches inlaid with colorful Spanish tile, Plaza guests gather around the fountain to take a break from shopping and site-seeing. The trickling sounds of water spatting across the pool are relaxing and tranquil.
In 1928, four bronze faun figures were purchased by John C. Taylor in Brindisi, Italy. They were reportedly 200 years old and each had a distinct pose. The fauns were installed in a fountain designed by the J.C. Nichols Company at the southwest corner of 47th and Broadway. When Plaza Central Park was completed in 1958, the figures were relocated to their present location. In 1964-65, three of the original fauns were stolen. Replicas were made of the remaining faun and they took the place of the originals, which is why all of the fauns are identical now.
Each faun sits on a corner of the pool. They each hold a spigot in their left hand which shoots a stream of water into the pool. The bottom of the pool is covered by tiles in hues of blue, yellow and green. A plaque on the east end of the fountain describes what a faun is in Roman mythology.