Reflective Spaces

A large ceramic tile mural on the north side of the R.R. Osborne Plaza on the west side of Olathe City Hall. The mural is made of ceramic tiles across six concrete columns. The tiles are on the front, sides and back of each column. The mural is 17 feet high at its tallest point and is 36 feet wide. Each tile measures 8 inches square. Each column is 42 inches wide, and they are spaced 36 inches apart. It shares space in the R.R. Osborne Plaza with the fountain, of which it is often used as a backdrop for, and two stainless steel sculptures.
With a blue sky, white clouds and gently rolling fields, the mural represents the optimism that R.R. Osborne approached life, an optimism tempted by overcoming adversity. The mural is a landscape of the countryside west of Olathe.