Frank S. Land Memorial

This memorial was created by the International Order of DeMolay to honor its founder, Frank S. Land. After Land’s death in 1959, a committee was assembled to determine the best way to honor him. $20,000 was raised by DeMolay members for the creation of this memorial, which resembles a large tombstone, and a fountain. The memorial is made of pink granite and has a bronze bust of Frank S. Land on the left side.
The memorial was originally installed at 201 E. Armour Boulevard and was part of a fountain, a photo of which can be seen in the gallery below. By the mid-90s, the fountain had stopped working and the basin had been filled in with soil and river gravel and the land the memorial sat on had transferred ownership and no longer belonged to the Order of DeMolay. Sometime after 2001, the memorial was relocated to its current location on Holmes Road.