Eagle and Nest of Eaglets

A depiction of an eagle either grabbing a snake before it can harm its nest and eaglets or bringing a snake to feed its eaglets. The massive sculpture contains approximately two tons of cast bronze. It is perched over the entrance to The Catholic Center, formerly known as the New York Life Building, at 9th Street and Baltimore Avenue.
The building was built in 1890. The twelve-story high rise is generally considered Kansas City’s first skyscraper and was the first building in Kansas City equipped with elevators. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1970. However, by 1988, it had been abandoned before undergoing a $35 million restoration in 1996. In 2010, the building was purchased by the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph and renamed The Catholic Center. The building currently houses the administration offices for the Diocese and the local branch of the Catholic Charities.